Meta tags and why do you need them?

We want your website to rank as high as possible on organic search ( which is Google term for not payed ranking). Here you can find tons of information what you can do, without our help to boost your website ranking.

When building your website, we ask for a list of keywords phrases that describe your business. We also ask for a short description, which we will help you revise to be the best for your website.

What are the meta tags?

Meta tags are HTML codes that are inserted into your website code, that are used to give web browsers and search engine spiders directions or data on various information. We ask you to provide us with a short description of your site and a list of 10-15 keyword phrases that best describe your business. Think about what makes you unique, and what phrases visitors should use to find your website. Repeat those key phrases as many times as you can in the site – that is the key to success on the internet. If you are local business we recommend you to include several town names that are important for your business.

Website description is usually what search engines show under your blue clickable title in Google. It basically should summarize your site, and include as many of your keywords as possible. Be specific with your titles, they sometimes serve as keywords, depending on the search engine.

How to choose keyword for your website?

Avoid words which are very general. When a user searches for one of these words they get a huge number of results & yours is likely to be way down the list. The purpose of keywords is to target words that will bring people to your site as opposed to other people’s. These days there are so many pages on the Web that users usually search  with more than one keywords, “custom webdesign Southborough” or ” Marlborough freelance webdesigner “. Now, if you have all three words on your list separately, you’ll be listed below somebody else’s page if they’ve targeted all three words together, in a keyword phrase. In the above example you would treat “custom webdesign Southborough” as one word which just happens to have space characters in it. We recommend keyword phrases over keywords by themselves. When you are preparing the keywords list for us, please separate the phrases and keyword with comma.

How do you boost your rank?

There are many, many good answers to this question… indeed many books and seminars are being sold right now on this very topic.

First of all make sure that your website content is filled with keywords, and the information is useful to visitors. You need as much page and content as possible, filled with relevant information. The same repeating keyword text must be in various places in the site in order for Google to find it a relevant match for related search queries. Use keywords in the title, or close to the beginning. Make sure you tag the pictures with meta tags.