When I start working on a new website, I ask the clients about their target audience. Most of them are not sure about who they really want to sell their product.
They want to sell the product or the service for whoever needs it. But who needs it and why?

Whether you sell water filters or acupuncture service, you need to understand your customer if you want to maximise your sales.

  • Who are you selling to?
  • Why should they buy your product?
  • Why do they need your pilates class or service?
  • What do they gain?
  • What problem you need to solve for them?

Knowing your target audience is the key for a good website and for a good marketing strategy.

Start to list all the different types of customers that suffer from the problems you solve.
target audience

  • Are they between 30-50 years old?
  • Are they mostly male or female?
  • Are they married?
  • Do they have kids?
  • Had they recently had an accident?
  • Are they living in a town or a big city?
  • Do they have grandkids?

Paint the picture for yourself and put it in writing so you can go back and evaluate your target audience once in a while.

But get back to the website design!
I need this information because the color, the layout, the design, the right pictures will be based on the target market.
The more specific it is, the easier to make a design that will capture their attention.

Does your website appealing to your specific target?  Do they found you and contact you?
I can help! 
